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Перевести текст, только не так как в переводчике: ты что делаешь? -это секрет, это будет подарок для мамы на день рождения.-можно я тебе? -у тебя есть свободное время? да. сегодня суббота, я сделаю все уроки завтра в воскресенье.-найди цветную бумагу и карандаши.-я знаю, они в столе, в моей комнате поставить глаголы в скобках в нужное время where /sit) at the lessons? i ) at the first desk.he /sit) at the first desk now. he ) at the second desk with his friend. when / buy) this cake? she )it in the morning and we )a half of it for dinner. what /do) now? she ) butter on her bread and )strong tea with sugar in it.my ) by taxi after work last year when ) in moscow. hush! your little brother )in the next room

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What are you doing? - it's a secret. it'll be a birthday present for my mom. - can i help you? - do you have any free time? - sure. today is saturday and i'll do my homework tomorrow, on sunday. - will you find some splash-paper and pencils? - i know, they are in the desk in my room. where do you sit at the lessons? i usually sit at the first desk. he is not sitting at the first desk now. he is sitting at the second desk with his friend. when did she buy this cake? she bought it in the morning and we are going to eat a half of it for dinner. what is she doing now? she is putting butter on her bread and drinking strong tea with sugar in it. my mother went by taxi after work last year when she worked in moscow. hush! your little brother is sleeping in the next room.

A mobile phone in which you can carry around often. It has mobility comparing to a computer. A tablet is similar to a phone that you couldn't really contact others with it in terms of using your mobile credit. I mean by calling, etc. If it does, great. However, the point is that sometimes, a tablet can sometimes be considered too big comparing to a phone.

Carrying a phone is like carrying a multi-purpose tool. It is versatile, controllable ( in terms of how you use it - well if you know how ) and satisfying.

You can do so much things with it such as taking pictures, contacting others through multiple ways, research, WiFi, play games, watch Netflix and so much more that you can discover and obsess about.

Mobile phones can also test your ability to complete simple tasks such as, changing wallpaper on your phone or open an app, etc.

It can also create multiple labyrinths : extending your wisdom to a level where you can comprehend multiple trends of life. For example, in one instance, you will understand the concept of, for example, how UV rays cause your body to experience adverse results. Another example is how you can understand the language of people who admire the culture of rock.

A mobile phone is recommended to extend your knowledge but also to use for emergencies.

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