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Можете написать правильное читание текста на ставлю 100 big heart in a small body it happened in saratov in a small street, i was out of school unusual way because i was very fast .i took place next to the trash and heard a grunt and pathetic pisk.ryadom with trash lying mountain bag and box. i opened it there were four small schenk. i could not leave them here. i dreamed off the scarf and hid them in a box that they would not be cold. i otnisla them home and looked in the computer sho do. that it was written carry them to the hospital for animals i went to the hospital they told me that they are not sick. i came doioy fed them without a needle prick il milk and they fell asleep. soon the little good kids turned into more like adults but not clever schenkov.shnkov called daddy leroy sandy and snow puppies were gray with black pyatnami.a snowball was pure white and ozhnachal to me that that osobennoe.vseh schenk odali a snowball's left to live with i like that. couple heart dog in a small body more than a man.

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Биг харт ин э смолл бади. ит хэппэнд ин саратов ин э смолл стрит ай вос аут оф скул анюжали вэй бекоз ай воз вери фаст. ай тук плэйс нэкст ту зе трэш энд херд э грант энд пазетик писк.(у тебя написано рядом я заменю его словом nearly) ниарли вис трэш лаинг маунтэйн бэг энд бокс.ай оупенд ит зере вее фор смол шенк. ай куд нот лив зем хире.ай дримд оф зе скарф этд хид зем ин э бокс зэт зэй вуд нот би колд.ай отнисла зэм хом энд локд ин зе компьюте шу ду. зэт ит воз вритен кэрри зем ту зе хоспитал фо энималс ай вэнт ту зе хоспиталзэй толд ми зэт зэй а нот сик. ай кейм зэм витхаут э нидл прик милк энд зэй фэлл эслип.  сун зе литл гуд кидс тернд инто мор лайк эдьюлтс бат нот клэвэ (у тебя написано щенков,я заменю словом puppies) паппис. э сноубол вос пьюре вайт (означал написано по заменяю словом mean) мин ту ми зэт(особенно опять написано по ,заменяю словом special) спешл.   дорогой мальчик или дорогая девочка,впредь пробуй писать сочинения на языке сам(а),переводить в переводчике лишь трата времени,за  которую оценку приличную не получишь и в голове ничего не останется.. я свободно говорю на и тебе советую того же.. пробуй запоминать лексику,и тогда не прийдется вот так вот зубрить транскрипции.. муторно просто 

a very old custom of “first footing” is still followed in britain. “first foot” is the first person to cross the threshold of a home on new year’s day and a bringer of good fortune for the coming year. preferably the male visitor would be a young, handsome, dark-haired, healthy male. a blonde, a red-haired or a woman are not allowed to enter the house first as they are supposed to bring bad luck. this is because a dark-haired man in ancient times would have been regarded as a fellow scotsman, and therefore to be deemed safe, whereas a fair haired or red headed man could have been a viking and therefore potentially a dangerous enemy.

but in some places the first-foot must always be a male who enters the house first, and the colour of his hair doesn’t matter.

the first-foot was supposed to bring gifts of money, bread or cake, coal or salt as these were considered lucky. the bread and cake was to ensure that the household did not go hungry during the coming year, the coal was to ensure that the house would be warm throughout the year and the salt was said to bestow wealth, as salt used to be a rare and precious commodity.

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