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Задать 5 вопросов к предложениям: 1)she lived in london two years ago 2)pupils always do to the sports ground school

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She lived in london two years ago1 did s he live in london two years ago? 2  who lived in london two years ago? 3 when did she live in london? 4 did she live in london two or three  years ago? 5  she lived in london two years ago, didn't she? pupils always do to the sports on school  grounds.1 do pupils always do the sports  on school  grounds? 2  who always does the sports  on school  grounds? 3  where do pupils always do the sports? 4 do pupils or teachers always do the sports  on school  grounds? 5  pupils always do the sports  on school  grounds, don't they?

Where did she live 2 years ago? how long did she live in london? who always go to the sports ground school? where do pupils always go? how often do pupils go to the sports ground school?

Do you like sports? ты любишь спорт? yes, of course, i love football and biathlon, and you? да, конечно, я люблю футбол и биатлон, а ты? i also like football мне тоже нравится футболwhich team do you support? за какую команду ты болеешь? i am a fan of spartak, this year they are not playing particularly well, but i think that all of them still ahead. за спартак, они в этом году играют не особенно удачно, но я думаю, что всё у них ещё впереди.and i’m a fan of real madrid, my team plays very well this year. а я болельщик реала, моя команда в этом году играет хорошо.

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