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Переведите с на ! : 3 в один прекрасный день, мы с моей семьей поехали в крым, пока мы ехали, мы увидели много красоты. эта поездка была к моим родственникам, тут у них была дача. когда мы приехали, мы долго не могли налюбоваться этой красотой! почти каждый день мы ходили на море, загорали, и просто отдыхали. дорога удалась нам не лёгкой, мы ехали долго, все устали. проблема в том, что меня сильно укачивает, но это не всегда. в этот раз меня не укачивало. одним вечером мы пошли на большую горку, было весело! мы провели в крыму 3 месяца! это было хорошая поездка!

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One day, my family and i went to the crimea. while we were driving, we saw a lot of beautiful things. we went to our relatives who lived at a cottage. when we arrived, we admired the beauty for a long time! almost every day we went to the sea to sunbathe and just to relax.the road there was not easy, we went for a long time, we all were very tired.the problem is that i get very seasick, but this is not always the case.this time i was not seasick.one evening we went to a big hill, it was a great fun! we spent three months in the crimea! it was a very nice trip!

One beautiful day, me with  my family go to the crimea, while we were driving, we saw a lot of beauty. this trip was to my relatives, they had a dacha (country house). when we arrived there, we long watch  this beauty!   almost every day we went to the sea, sunbathing, and just relax.  trip is not easy, we ride very long  time, all was very tired.  the problem is that i was very nauseated, but this is not always.  this time i was not nauseated. one day  we went to a big hill, it was very fun!   we spent 3 months in the crimea!   it was a very good trip!

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