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Переделать предложения в 1st и 2nd conditional. 1. if it __ you properly, __ it. (not fit / not buy) 2. what __ if you __ the competition. (you, do / win) 3. i __ my shorts if it __ hot. (might wear /be ) 4. when she __ back, she __ us all the details. ( come / tell) 5. if we __ some fruit we __ a fruit salad. ( get / could, make)

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If it doesn't fit you properly, don't buy it. what will you do if you win the competition? i might wear my shorts if it's hot when she comes back, she will tell us all the details. if we get some fruit, we will make a fruit salad.

1) kalifornia 2) 2 km 100 meters (it is very long) 3) yes they do. 4) yes  5) at the opening. 6)yes she does. (оцените )

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