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Определите тип условных предложений/ 1. if you traveled by plane, you'd come in time for the conference. 2. if i took a taxi i would catch the last train. 3. if the builders hadn't worked overtime, the canal wouldn't have been opened in time. 4. if the satellite's speed were less than required, it would drop and enter the atmosphere. 5. if the students had been more careful, they wouldn't have broken the new apparatus. 6. if the driver had been more careful, the accident would not have happened, 7. if i were you, i wouldn't worry about it. 8. if you knew the design of the motor, you would be able to operate it properly. 9. if parents would only realize how they bore their children. 10. had it been avoided in the other problems, w would have been smaller by x.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. second 2. second 3. third 4. second 5. third 6. third 7. second 8. second 9. second 10. third

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. особенностью этого типа условных предложений является тот факт, что простое будущее время (future simple)употребляется лишь в главном предложении. в придаточном предложении после указанных союзов мы используем только простое настоящее время (present simple). 10) past perfect

we have a good class uchitelnitsa.u have a friendly klass.i we always support each other. a lot of us in the class. (i have is in a class of sofa.) and although we always win and have fun together!




которое в скобочках.если есть)

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