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Нужна .перевести в пассивный залог с на 1.ему сообщили все эти сведения перед тем ,как он уехал . 2. все письма будут написаны к 3 часам дня . 3\. когда я вернулась в свой родной город ,театр ,почти сгоревший при , все еще строился . 4. много совместных предприятий было открыто в последнее время . 5. экзамен будет сдан студентами к началу сессии , 6. нас спросили ,почему все вопросы не были обсуждены до начала заседания . 7. раньше его никогда не видели на улице без трости . 8 . за это кандидата проголосовало большинство избирателей .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he had been told all this information before he left. 2. all letters will have been written by 3 pm. 3. when i returned to my hometown, the theater, which had almost burnt down in a fire, was still being built. 4. a lot of joint ventures have been opened recently. 5. the exam will have been passed by the students by the beginning of the exams ahead of schedule. 6. we were asked why not all the issues had been discussed before the meeting. 7. he had never been seen on/in the street without a cane (=walking stick) before. 8. this candidate has been voted by a majority of voters.

1. he had been told all this information before he left. 2. all letters will have been written by 3 pm. 3. when i returned to my hometown, the theater, which had almost burnt down in a fire, was still being built. 4. a lot of joint ventures have been opened recently. 5. the exam will have been passed by the students by the beginning of the exams ahead of schedule. 6. we were asked why not all the issues had been discussed before the meeting. 7. he had never been seen on/in the street without a cane (=walking stick) before. 8. this candidate has been voted by a majority of voters.

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