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Ответьте на вопрос по ! ! 1)why is the nonaggression agreement between the ussr and germany signed on 23 august 1939 in moscow known as molotov-ribbentrop pact? 2)why did the ussr sign the pact? 3) what was the bloodiest battle of the great patriotic war and the turning point of the second world war?

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1. because it was prepared by the former soviet foreign minister vyacheslav molotov and the german foreign minister joachim von ribbentrop, 2. because it needed time to get ready for war. 3.  it was t he battle of stalingrad.

1)    are listening; they seem to be excited. 2) when i came in, the discussion seemed to be coming to an end. they appeared to lose patience because they turned out not to be ready for it. 3) the employees didn’t notice the manager come into the room. 4)   the manager ordered the contract to be translated into english.  5) mr. folder usually lets his secretary stay at home when she feels sick. 

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