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Выбрать самое главное из рассказа many, many years ago there lived a king who said that anyone who could tell a story for two years would get1 a piece of land. first one man tried but his story lasted only two weeks. another man finished his story after five days. a third man began his story like this: "once a farmer planted some corn. when the corn grew the farmer gathered it and put it into a shed. then the mouse came into the shed and began to eat the corn." the man went on, "the mouse took a grain of corn, the mouse took a grain of corn, the mouse took a grain of corn…" the king interrupted the story, "well, what was after this? " "i can't tell you," answered the man, "because the mouse hasn't finished eating the corn yet." "all right," said the king, "you will get a piece of land."

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Many years ago there lived a king who said that anyone who could tell a story for two years would get a piece of land. two men tried but their stories were too short. the third man managed to tell such a long story about a mouse who ate the corn. he was repeating "the mouse took a grain of corn". the king interrupted the man ang gave him a piece of land.

Для местоимений I, we, you, they и существительных во множественном числе используется форма have got, а для местоимений he, she, it и существительных в единственном числе – форма has got.

2. Has Sam got

3. has got

4. Has Denis got

5. Have your friends got

6. has got

7. hasn't got  У Криса нет машины, но у него есть мотоцикл.  отрицание

8. hasn't got  Это не её чемодан. У неё нет чемодана. отрицание

9. has got

10. have got

В данном задании если видишь глагол got, значит надо правильно поставить has или have.  

1. It is an interesting question.  Это интересный фильм.

2. Sha has got an exciting job.  У неё захватывающая работа.

3. He is an engineer.         Он инженер.

4. It is a difficult task.         Это задание сложное.

5. She has got an aunt and an uncle.  У неё есть тётя и дядя.

6. He has got a high temperature.      У него высокая температура.

7. She is a very good doctor.       Она очень хороший доктор.


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