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Правильно перевести текст, с учетом правил и времен. "как я провела свой день? я проснулась в 11 часов. сделала кофе и покормила кота. я включила свой любимый сериал "дневники вампира". кот тоже присел ко мне. я думаю это выглядело довольно мило. далее, я убрала в доме и сделала уроки. я прилегла и принялась за чтение книги "голодные игры". мой день подходил к концу, я взяла немного еды и включила тоже мой любимый сериал "волчонок". я снова поела. а потом, я легла спать."

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Ответы на вопрос:

How i spent my dayi woke up at 11 o'clock. made my coffee and fed the cat. i turned on my favorite tv series "the vampire diaries." the cat also sat with me. i think it looked pretty cute. next, i cleaned the house and did my homework. i lay down and began to read the book "the hunger games." my day was coming to an end, i took some food and switched on my another favorite sequel "wolfcub". i ate again. and then i went to bed.

As i think through 10 years life in the world  is gonna change. scientist will develop a medicine that will help in every case of illness. most people could travel to the space. there will be more work places. people would be able to relax more, to make their free time much more longer they could study at home.  but a destiny of mankind could change in a bad way. in the future some new  illness could appear, there could be a global katastrophy if we do not take care of our planet.  if people would not put up there is going to be lots of wars, there is going to be lots of kills. everybody is going to worry and forget about their life.  it is useless to think about future, if we do not follow it. it depends just on present, how wonderful future is going to be. i hope that our planet and all the mankind will change only in a good way.

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