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Кто знает о чем тут говорится. буду весьма заранее fill in the gaps with the right options 21. please, english dictionaries tomorrow. a) to bring b) bringing c) bring failing the exam was not unexpected. a) jim b) jim is c) jim's 23. we saw the man the house. a) enter b) entered c) to enter 24.1 had the a) to tune b) tuned c)tune25. i'm grateful to him for a) advices b) advises c) advice26. i'll phone you as soon as from mike. a) ii hear b) 've heard c) heard 27.1 wish these fashionable clothes. a) would buy b) could buy c) will buy28. the text difficult for me to understand. a) too b) enough c) which 29. it wasn' for them to go swimming. a) enough warm b) warm enough c) too much warm30. here bus! a) is coming b) come c) comes

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24. b


26. hear




30. c


our planet is getting hotter and hotter. this causes changes in climate, sea levels are rising, ice caps are melting, animals and plants are dying. if we try, we can reduce the greenhouse gases that we put into the atmosphere, which make the earth warmer. we can save on electricity by turning off the lights when we don`t need them. we can also save energy by taking the bus, riding a bike or walking. every little bit helps.


наша планета становится все жарче и жарче. это приводит к изменениям климата, подъем уровня моря, ледяные шапки тают, животные и растения вымирают. если мы попытаемся, мы можем сократить парниковые газы, которые мы ставим в атмосферу, которые делают земле теплее. мы можем на электроэнергии, выключив свет, . мы можем также энергию, садиться на автобус, едущий на велосипеде или пешком. каждый немного .









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