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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени. 9. i suppose they (to send) a dog after the burglar immediately. 10. he said he (to leave) tomorrow morning. 11. she says she already (to find) the book. 12. he stopped and listened: the clock (to strike) five. 13. she said she (can) not tell me the right time, her watch (to be) wrong. 14. i asked my neighbour if he ever (to travel) by air before. 15. the policeman asked george where he (to run) so early. 16. the delegates were told that the guide just (to go) out and (to be) back in ten minutes.

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Ответы на вопрос:

9. i suppose they will send (to send) a dog after the burglar immediately. 10. he said he would leave/was leaving (to leave) tomorrow morning. 11. she says she has already found (to find) the book. 12. he stopped and listened: the clock struck/was sriking (to strike) five. 13. she said she could (can) not tell me the right time, her watch was (to be) wrong. 14. i asked my neighbour if he had ever travelled (to travel) by air before. 15. the policeman asked george where he was running (to run) so early. 16. the delegates were told that the guide had just gone (to go) out and would be (to be) back in ten minutes.

my name is lena. i have a cat, whose name is bubby. i like to play with him and tickle him behind the ear in the evening and he loves to lie on my chest and lick my nose. he is white and his head is black. he always jumps on me and wakes me up in the morning. when i come home from school he lays on bed. this is the way he meet me. i love my pet and i think he is very funny.


меня зовут лена. у меня есть кот, которого зовут бабби. мне нравится играть с ним и щекотать его за ухом по вечерам и он любит лежать у меня на груди и лизать мой нос. он белый, а голова у него черная. он всегда прыгает на меня и будит по утрам. когда я прихожу домой со школы он лежит на кровати. вот как он меня встречает. я люблю свое животное и думаю что он забавный.

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