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№1. write these sentences in the passive voice 1. we buy bread for her every day 2. mother promiced her daughter a trip to moscow 3. i will write a letter to him 4. they have already built a lot of houses in this town 5. he is discussing a new project now №2. put the pronous in the right form and translate the sentences into russian 1. i would like (he) to be my friend, but he was to cool 2. our teacher made (we) learn thise rule by heart 3. i want (you) to tell me the truth 4. my mother expected (i) to come home on time 5. her father doesn`t let (she) go out in the evening №3. name the function of the infinitive in the sentences 1. i was too upset to invite you to my house 2. to chat with my friends was a pleasure 3. it was a very difficult question to answer 4. my cousin came yesterday to swap cds 5. you have to be alrelly amazing person for your classmates

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. bread is bought by us for her every day. 2. a trip to moscow was promised to her daughter (by mother). her daughter was promised a trip to moscow. 3. a letter will be written to him by me. he will be written a letter by me. 4. a lot of houses have already been built (by them) in this town. 5. a new project is being discussed by him now. №2. put the pronouns in the right form and translate the sentences into russian1. i would like him to be my friend, but he was to cool? я хочу, чтобы он был моим другом, но … (чего-то не хватает) 2. our teacher made us learn this rule by heart. наш учитель заставил нас выучить это правило наизусть. 3. i want you to tell me the truth. я хочу, чтобы ты рассказал мне правду. 4. my mother expected me to come home on time. моя мама ожидала, что я приду домой вовремя. 5. her father doesn`t let her go out in the evening. её папа не разрешает ей выходить из дома вечером. №3. name the function of the infinitive in the sentences  1. i was too upset to invite (доолнение) you to my house.2. to chat (подлежащее) with my friends was a pleasure.3. it was a very difficult question to answer (определение-  не 4. my cousin came yesterday to swap (обстоятельство) cds.5. you have to be (часть сказуемого) really amazing person for your classmates.

27 c 28 a) what is she singing 29 c  30 d

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