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Vi. give the english equivalents: реклама, вызывать интерес потребителя, увеличить сбыт товара, описательная реклама, реклама, особое качество, телевизионная реклама, психологический подход, ассоциация идей, местные газеты, национальная пресса, большой тираж, национальная сеть, лучшее экранное время, рыночное исследование, маркетинг, проталкивание товара, продвижение товара, рентабельность, средства распространения? информации, изучение конъюнктуры рынка, опрос, видоизменять, процедура. заранее )

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Ответы на вопрос:

Advertisement, to evoke the interests of consumers, increase sales of goods, descriptive advertising, persuasive advertising, special quality, television advertising, psychological approach, the association of ideas, local newspapers, national press, a large circulation, the national network, the best screen time, market research, marketing, pushing the product, sales promotion, profitability, means of information distribution, market research, polling, to modify, procedure.

A: did your team win the football match yesterday? b: no, the weather was very bad, so we did not play. a: how did you break the window? b: we were playing football. i kicked the ball and it hit the window. a: did you see jenny last night? b: yes, she was wearing a very nice jacket. a: what were you doing at 2 o'clock this morning? b: i was asleep. a: i lost my key last night. b: how did you get into your room? a: i climbed in through a window.

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