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Выбрать правильную видовременную форму глагола. 1) the students their last exzamination by the 1st of july last year. a) passed b) had passed c) will pass d) pass 2) the president the interview when it happened . a) gives b) will give c) was giving d) give 3) hurry up ! the train in 5 minutes . a) is starting b) started c) was startad d) has started 4) when the lecturer entered the room the students in loud voices a) are talking b) talks c) had talked d) were talking 5) don`t disturb her , she at her essay a) was working b) worked c) is working d) work 6) he them at the station tomorrow at 10 a) meets b) to meet c) is meeting d) meet 7) he my letter yet a) hasn`t answered b) doesn`t answer c) isn`t anwsering d) didn`t answer 8) they like this before a) are behaving b) has behaved c) are behaved d) have behaved 9) i all the money that`s why i came so soon from my holiday a) am spending b) spend c) have spent d) had spent 10) the article by 5 o`clock tomorrow a) will have translated b) will translate c) will be translating d) translate

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) had passed 2) was giving 3) is starting 4) were talking 5) is working 6) meets/is meeting 7) hasnt answered 8) they have never behaved like this before. 9) have spent 10) we 'll have translated the article by 5 tomorrow

1. Составьте словосочетания и переведите их.

взять инструмент

брось лодыжку

играть таблетки

крутить вечеринку

прокалывать зуб1. Составьте словосочетания и переведите их.

взять инструмент

брось лодыжку

играть таблетки

крутить вечеринку

прокалывать зуб


Популярно: Английский язык