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Надо написать текст на тему: что едят в день рождения в россии?

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There is a tradition in russia to drink tea and  eat a cake when you have a birthday.  some make salads and sandwiches. other people fry meat  or fish or cook potatoes. sweets and cookies  are also popular birthday treats. some birthday persons prefer fruit and fruit dishes. in my opinion, it depends on the taste: it may be fish birthday or sushi birthday or ice-cream birthday. 

1. what should a person say if he wants a cake? 2. what does  "thank you" mean in english? 3. is it better to say  "yes" or "yes,please"? 4. w hat should be  said when someone thanks you? 5.   what reply would be a  polite one  to a phrase  " thank you very much. it was most kind of you to help me.thank you."  ? 6.  a frenchman says ' de rien" or "pas de quoi." doesn't he? 7. when does a n englishman look rather confused? 8. why does an englishman  quickly pass on to something else? 9. whose lesson has been very good? 10. has  mr.priestley  helped  jan?

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