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Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. обведи соответстствующую букву. why did mary buy a new dress every day? а)she wanted to have dresses of different colours. b)she wanted to meet a prince in a nice dress. c)she wanted to buy the best dress in the world.

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once upon a time, there lived a camel whose name was george.he has travelled a lot through the desert looking for a friend but nobody wanted to speak with him? beacous   they think that he was ugly.he went and went and went ? and after a while he saw a human.it was a man with fair hair like camel^s, and dark-blue eyes like cammel^s too.they understood that they were not so different? and after it they became the best friends.

это типо сказка, я не поняла что тебе нужно -повествовательный рассказ о какомто животном или вот такая вот сказка, .

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