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Report the following: 1.the teacher: "dont speak so loudly, mike! " 2.tom: "i am going to play chess." 3.she: "i have finished reading the text." 4.the teacher: " open your text-book? children". 5.mouther: " i washed up 15 minutes ago". 6. bill: " what is hereading? " 7. suziу: " the trip was intersting? " 8. granny: " i will go shopping for cottage cgeese". 9.the students: " when do you go to london? " 10. my friend: " is there hot and cold running water in your country house? "

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the teacher told mike not to speak so loudly 2. tom said that he was going to play chess 3. she said that she had finished reading the text 4. the teacher asked children to open their textbooks 5. mother said that she had washed up 15 minutes before 6. bill asked what he was reading 7. suzy asked if the trip had been interesting 8. granny said that she would go shopping for cottage cheese 9. the students asked when he went to london 10. my friend asked if there is hot and cold running water in my country house

Это место находится в Дорсете, Великобритания. Это и есть обезьяна центр. Джим Кронин основал его, чтобы дать приют обезьянам от фотографов, бродячих цирков, продавцов животных,

от лабораторий и от людей, которые держали их в качестве домашних животных.​

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