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Сязыком, необходимо выбрать нужную форму причастия 16. выберите нужную форму причастия: 1. the company (hiring, hired) our ships is (knowing, known) all over the world. 2. the article (publishing, published) in this journal should be (discussing, discussed) by our crew. 3. the journal (publishing, published) articles on this problem is in great demand. 4. the ship (giving, given) the distress signal was in great danger. 5. the signal (warning, warned) of а danger must be (seeing, seen) at rather a long distance. 6. you are completely responsible for the damage (causing, caused) to my ship. 7. the master (warning, warned) of the danger can avoid it. 8. money (spending, spent) on brain (ум, мозг) is never (spending, spent) in vain. 9. all people (living, lived) in this house are good neighbours. 10. the house was not (living, lived) in. 11. no harm (doing, done). 12. well (beginning, begun) is half (doing, done).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the company hiring our ships is known all over the world. 2. the article publishing in this journal should be discussed by our crew. 3. the journal publishing articles on this problem is in great demand. 4. the ship  giving the distress signal was in great danger. 5. the signal warning  of а danger must be seen  at rather a long distance. 6. you are completely responsible for the damage caused to my ship. 7. the master warning  of the danger can avoid it. 8. money spent on brain is never spent in vain. 9. all people living  in this house are good neighbours. 10. the house was not living in. 11. no harm doing. 12. well   begun is half done.

1. hiring, known 2. published, discussed 3. publishing 4. giving 5. warning, seen 6. caused 7. warned 8. spent, spent 9. living 10. lived 11. done 12. begun, done

1)  was 2)  were 3)  were 4)  danced 5)  played 6)  walked 7)  were 8)  wached 9)  laughed 10) was 11)  liked

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