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1)last spring a lot of fruit thees in their garden. a-planted b-plant c-will plant 2)there a lot of people at the party. a-was b-wasn't c-were d-has been 3) there was also one of joe a-was smoking b-were smoking c-smoked 4)madonna dance at the university of michigan when she was young a-was studying b-were studying c -studied 5) when mark arrived,the johnsons dinner,but stopped in order to talk to him. a-were having b-had c-had been having d-was having 6) althjough the sun was shining, it was still cold,because it hard for two hours. a-had been raining b-was raining c-had rained d-is raining 7) he in lviv when he was young a-lived b-lives c-will live d-live

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)last spring a lot of fruit thees in their garden. a-planted 2)there a lot of people at the party. c-were 3) there was also one of joe a-was smoking 4)madonna dance at the university of michigan when she was young. c -studied 5) when mark arrived, the johnsons dinner,but stopped in order to talk to him. a-were having 6) althjough the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it hard for two hours. a-had been raining 7) he in lviv when he was young. a-lived

1.a 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.a

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