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Переведите предложения употребляя present inderinite 1.они не хотят идти в кино. 2.майк никогда не просыпается рано. 3.никто не знает ее адрес. 4.я люблю танцевать. 5.мы хотим видеть вас. 6. хелен не читает газет. 7.она не любит дождь. 8.вы часто едите завтрак так рано? 8.он всегда приходит так неожиданно? 10.никто не знает этого человека. 11.наша семья редко посещает музеи. 12.он часто ходит на прогулки по вечерам?

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1. they do not want to go to the cinema. 2. mike never wakes up early. 3. no one knows her address. 4. i love to dance. 5. we want to see you very much. 6. helen does not read newspapers. 7. she does not like rain. 8. do you often have breakfast so early? 8. does he always come so suddenly? 10. no one knows this man. 11. our family rarely visites museums. 12. does he often go for a walk in the evenings?

each people have the steady ideas of other people. when "the typical englishman" or "the typical german" speak, mean quite certain character. as a rule, existing cultural images are formed by literature, cinema, stories of those who visited the country, and mass media. formation of similar stereotypes is connected also with long historical process of communication: people with each other. most often images of other countries are ambiguous, inconsistent and include both traditional stereotypes, and modern representations.for example, british are proud of that considerably differ from any other nation of the world. they to these holes adhere to strange customs, such, as left-side movement or game in cricket. they very reluctantly passed to decimal system of measures, having changed the adored pints for liters, and inches on centimeters. till 1971 at them the wild three-level not decimal monetary system according to which the account for a dinner could look as "four pounds six shillings and seven and a half pence" worked. and though other europe measures distance in kilometers, british still cling to the miles though now they buy fabrics in meters, instead of yards. logic - not the most outstanding line of the british character.

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