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Напишите сочинение на про животное которого ты не любишь

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Most of all the animals i do not like snakes! they are very fast and very painful bite! how about them was shot transmission referring they all bite misrepresented including children! there are very poisonous snakes, they are very dangerous from their bite can die! i wish you all not when it is not going out with snakes! если что вот перевод : больше всего из всех животных я не люблю   змей   !   они   быстрые и кусают больно ! сколько про них было снято передач .как они   всех кусали в  том числе и детей ! есть такие змеи ядовитые   ,они опасны   от их укуса можно и умереть ! желаю вам всем не когда не  встречаться  со змеями  !  

hi david,

i am writing to let you know that i have lost your book. i am not sure how it happened. i think i might have left it in a café. i am so sorry about this, i feel very bad about losing your book. may i buy you a new one? let me know if you want the same book or a different one.

best wishes,

julia (свои имя вставьте).

hi kate,

i got very excited when i received your invitation to go on a cycling holiday and i am gladly accepting it. i’ve never been on a cycling holiday and i really want to experience it. i think it will be a great way to spend time with friends while staying active. when are you thinking of going so i can book tickets and accommodation?  

thanks for inviting,

julia (свои имя).

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