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Complete the text. choose the correct answers, a, b, c or d. alaska is the largest and the least populated state of the usa. it to the united states by russia in 1867 for 7.2 million dollars, but it didn’t actually become a state until 1959. alaska is famous for its landscapes, mountains and enormous lakes. alaska is home to some wildlife, from the humpback whale to the grizzly bear. is the humpback whales which attract many eco-tourists, who can take whale-watching tours along the alaskan coast. while the best way to see and experience these enormous creatures is to take a whale-watching boat tour, they sometimes can from shore locations, ferries and from cruise ships. all it takes is a little luck and good eyesight! hiking is also a very popular tourist activity, but hikers must be aware of the potential dangers they might encounter along the walking trails. grizzly bears are one of these. ideally, bears should . if you do come across one, you shouldn’t try and run away, as you . instead, let the bear know you are human. talk to the bear in a normal voice and wave your arms to help it recognise you. if the bear stands up on its back legs, it is usually just curious, not . in fact, more people by dogs in the last 80 years than by bears. 1 a has sold b sold c was selling d was sold 2 a matching b comfortable c unknown d breathtaking 3 a formal b wooded c lively d old-fashioned 4 a afraid b immature c fascinating d traditional 5 a and b but c it d there 6 a saw b be seeing c be seen d see 7 a avoid b avoided c be avoided d be avoiding 8 a are chased b will be chased c were chased d have been chased 9 a extreme b isolated c threatening d wild 10 a are killed b had been killed c have been killed d will be killed

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1.d 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.c 7.c 8.b 9.c 10.c

Diar liz. my name is alina. i am 12. i live russia,ulianovsk in tenisty street. my family is four. i have mother,father and brother. goodby

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