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Complete the sentences with the missing words. the first letter of each word has been given. 1 the flight attendant looked at our passes before we got on the plane. 2 there were a few people waiting at the taxi outside the museum. 3 we got hungry on the long train journey, so we went to the car for a sandwich. 4 there was an ambulance behind us on the motorway, so we moved into the hard . 5 it took me fifteen minutes to get through passport after my plane landed. 6 passengers on istanbul flight tk186, please go to gate b21 now. 7 the train was late so we went to the room to sit down until it came. 8 we filled up the tank with petrol at the petrol station.

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Boarding rank buffet situation control departure waiting

Теп  he works with a programme.  he is working   he has worked   he has been working  прош he worked with  he was working   he had worked  he had been working  будущ  he will work  he will be working  he will have worked  he will have been working  будущ в прошедшем  he would work  he would be working  he would have worked  he would have been working  he looks at her  he is looking at her  he has looked at her  he has been looking at her  he looked at her he was looking at her  he had looked at her  he had been looking at her  he will look at her  he will be looking at her  he will have looked at her  he will have been looking at her  he would look at her  he would be looking at her  he would have looked at her  he would have been looking at her  не знаю, нужны ли предложения с would (future-in-the past), написала на всякий случай

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