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Поставьте предложения в косвенную речь: 1. “this is our book.” – they said 2. “i am not hungry now.” – she said … 3. “i am reading.” – he said… 4. “i will clean the car tomorrow.” – tom said… 5. “i am going to the theatre tonight .” – mike said… 6. “i don’t go to this shop very often” –mary said… 7. “we spent three days in london. ” –my parents said… 8. “i went to london in july. ”–helen said… 9. “i’ve just come back from the doctor ” – misha said… 10. “i’ve never eaten fried mushrooms” – oleg said… 11.“he learnt english two years ago.” – kate said … 12. “i wrote this letter yesterday.” – vivian said… 13. “where does dima work? ” –boris asked… 14. “where do you live? ” –nick asked me… 15. “when did you come home yesterday? ” – my mother asked me… 16. “did you skate last winter? ” –mary asked me… 17. “will you see your friend tomorrow? ” –jack asked me… 18. “do you play dota? ” – jana asked me… 19. “where did she buy this hat? ” – irene asked … 20. “please bring me some fish soup” – he told the waitress… 21. “come here tomorrow.” – robert told me… 22. “don’t go for a walk today.” – the doctor said to pete…

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1.they said that was their book 2. she said she was not hungry then 3. he said he was reading 4.tom said he would clean the car the day after. 5.mike said he was going to the theatre that night 6.mary said she didn't go to that shop very often 7.my parents said they have spent three days in london 8.helen said she has gone to london in july 9.misha said he had just come back from the doctor 10. oleg said he had never eaten fried mushrooms 11. kate said he have learnt english 2 years earlier 12. vivian said she has written that letter the previous day. 13.boris asked where dima worked 14.nick asked me where i lived 15.my mother asked me when i came home the previous day 17.jack asked me if i would see my friends the next day 16.mary asked me if i have skated the winter before. 18.jana asked me if i played dota 19.irene asked where she bought that hat 20he told the waitress to bring him some fish soup 21robert told me to come there the next day 22the doctor said to pete not to go for a walk that day.

1)природа таит в себе много неразгаданных секретов. 2)что  бы улучшить свое произношение ты должен записывать себя  и обдумывает свою речь. 3)мне жаль, что я испортил тебе настроение. 4)мэгги было жаль, что она забыла покормить кроликов.

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