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Перевести вопросы на язык и ответить на них по используя все числительные до 20. 1. сколько дней в месяце.2 сколько пальцев у тебя на руках.3. сколько месяцев в году. 4. какое число считается несчастливым. 5.в каком возрасте учащиеся обычно оканчивают школу в россии. 6. сколько лет обычно живут собаки. 7 в каком возрасте в нашей стране обычно получают паспорт. 8 в каком возрасте люди у нас считаются совершенолетними. 9. сколько игроков в футбольной команде.10 сколько лет твоему соседу.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. how many days are there  in a month? - usually thirty or thirty-one. 2. how many fingers are there on your hands? - ten. 3. how many months are there   in a year? - twelve. 4. what number is considered to be unlucky? -  thirteen. 5. at what age do pupils  usually finish school in russia? -  at sixteen. 6. how many years   do dogs usually live? - about twenty. 7. at what age do people get passport in our country? - at the age of fourteen 8. at what age are people considered adult?   - at eighteen. 9. how many players are there in a football team? - eleven 10. how old is your neighbour? - fifteen    

1. wales is famous for its green hills and beautiful valleys, isn't it? 2. the boys didn't take part in the cycling trip last summer, did they? 3. you are going to send sms to olivia, aren't you? 4. emily wants to become a journalist, doesn't she? 5. the participants won't plant the trees during the trip, will they? 6. jim has already got his participant badge, hasn't he? 7. we can join the students, can't we?

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