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Прошу the sentences below. circle the relative pronouns and underline the relative clauses. then put brackets around the pronouns which are not necessary. example 1 i loved the museum (that) we visited yesterday1 i loved the museum that we visited yesterday. 2 he was a painter whose works were sold for over $10,000 each. 3 the painter who you were talking to sells his paintings to the best galleries in paris. 4 the opera that we saw was terribly boring. 5 i think the architects who design new buildings in warsaw are too conservative. 6 have you bought the cd which i was telling you about? 7 the place where we met is the oldest in town.

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Ответы на вопрос:

2нельзя убрать (только есть перефразировать) 3 who 4 that 5 нельзя убрать  6 which 7 where

1.we must be at school at Monday

2.I must be honest with my friends

3.She must be more friendly with others

4.I must clean my room every week

5.They must be on the station at 9 a.m.

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