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Передайте специальные вопросы в косвенной речи 1) one of the students asked the teachers: "whom was "three men in a boat" written by? " 2) "how did you manage to solve this difficult problem in such a short time? "-said my friend to me. 3)"why did you like this stupid woman? "-asked him his best friend. 4)" which of you can answer my question? "-asked the manager. 5)"why do you help him? that was his own decision"- said margaret to sara.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1one of the students asked the teachers whom "three men in a boat" had been written by. 2 my friend asked me how i had managed to solve that difficult problem in such a short time. 3 his best friend asked him why he had liked that stupid woman. 4 the manager wanted to know which of them could answer his question. 5 margaret asked sara why she helped him and added it had been his own decision.

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Популярно: Английский язык