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Put the verbs into the right tense forms.1)if the weather is nice tomorrow, the river (to go). 2)i'ii be happy if five in maths.(to get) 3)if we go by train,.(to be).4)you will catch a cold if warm coat.(not to put on)5)if time,she will go to the cinema.(to have) 6)when my parents come,"monopoly".(to play) 7)when it stops rainihg, their granny.(to visit)

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1) will go 2) get 3) will be late 4) don't put on 5) has 6) will play 7) will visit

pierre curie - french physicist, one of the founders of the science of radioactivity, a member of the paris academy of sciences. born in paris. he graduated from the university of paris, where in 1878-83 he worked as an assistant in 1883-1904 - at the school of physics and chemistry (from 1895 - head. department). in 1895 he married m. sklodowska. since 1904 - professor at the university of paris. tragically killed in an accident.studies devoted to crystal physics, magnetism, radioactivity. at 18,880, along with his brother mineralogist j. curie discovered the piezoelectric effect, and the opposite effect - the appearance of the elastic deformation of the crystal when it reported an electrical charge. using the piezoelectric effect, the public, they have designed a highly sensitive instrument for measuring small amounts of electricity and weak currents. in 1884-85 he developed the theory of crystal formation and investigated the laws of symmetry in them, in particular, first introduced (1885) concept of surface energy of the crystal faces and formulated the general principle of crystal growth. proposed (1894) as the principle of giving the opportunity to determine the symmetry of the crystal, which is under the influence of some (curie principle). carried out a study of the magnetic properties of bodies in a wide temperature range. established in 1895 by independent diamagnetic susceptibility on temperature and inversely proportional to the temperature dependence for the paramagnetic (curie law). discovered the existence of iron in temperature, above which it disappears ferromagnetic properties (curie point), and abruptly changed some of the other properties such as conductivity and heat capacity (1895).in 1897 pierre curie research interests focus on the study of radioactivity, where he and m. sklodowska-curie made a series of outstanding discoveries. in 1898 they opened a new radioactive elements - polonium and radium, in 1899 - induced radioactivity and found complex radiation and its properties. in 1901, curie discovered the biological effects of radiation, and in 1903 opened a law reducing the quantity of radioactivity, introducing the concept of half-life, and showed his independence from external conditions. accordingly, the proposed use of the half-life as a time reference for the establishment of the absolute age of terrestrial rocks. in the same year, together with a. laborde discovered spontaneous heat salts of radium, which was the first clear evidence of the existence of nuclear energy. hypothesized radioactive decay. organized the commercial production of radium on the basis of the technology izvleyaeniya radium from uranium ore.for the study of radioactivity and the discovery of radium, p. and m. curie sklodowska-curie (together with a. becquerel) in 1903 were awarded the nobel prize.h. davy medal (1903). in honor of pierre and marie curie named the element of an artificial chemistry - curium.

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