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Iii. составьте из данных слов предложения и переведите их. 1. the / shorter / volga / thames / than / the . 2. december / in / the / twenty-second / shortest / is / a year / of day. 3. she / than / is / sister / her / taller. 4. person / the / i / happiest / am 5. than / the / darker / bedroom / kitchen / the. iv. поставьте глаголы в скобках в present perfect или в past simple 1. i (never / go) to vienna. 2. my great-great-grandfather (have) five sisters. 3. he (live) in manila for a year when he was a student. 4. oh no! i (lose) my wallet! 5. (you / see) julie today?

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Ответы на вопрос:

The thames is shorter then the thames. the twenty-second of december is the shortest day of a year. she is taller than her sister. i am the happiest person. bedroom is darker than the kitchen. i have never gone to vienna. my great-grandfather had five sisters. he lived in manila for a year when he was a student. oh no! i have lost my wallet1 have you seen julie today?

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