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Передайте следующие предложения в passive voice. e.g. mother waters the houseplants in the evening.- the houseplants are watered in the evening(by mother) 1.tom gave nick a book for his birthday. 2.our mother tells us stories every evening. 3.lydia will show you a new book of pictures. 4.a boy showed her the way. 5.they will send us a box of fruit. 6.five or six small children followed them. 7.in summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields. 8.ivan susanin led the poles into the thickest part of the forest. 9.the waves carried the little boat out to sea. 10.we shall do the translation in the evening. 11.they water the houseplants regularly. 12.you promised me these books long ago. 13.bessie's father gave her a complete set of walter scott's works. 14.the two hikers dropped their heavy backpacks. 15.the boys will paint the roof of the house. 16.tom sawyer whitewashed the fence. 17.her daughters gave her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present.

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1. a book was given to nick for his birthday by tom. 2. we are told stories by our mother every evening. 3. you will be shown a new book of pictures by lydia. 4. she was shown the way by a boy. 5. a box of fruit will be sent to us by them. 6. they were followed by five or six small children. 7. the horses are often driven to the field in summer by the boys. 8. the poles were led into the thickest part of the forest by ivan susanin. 9. the little boat was carried out to sea by the waves. 10. the translation will be done in the evening by us. 11. the houseplants are watered regularly by them. 12. these books were promised me long ago by you. 13. a complete set of walkter scott's works was given to bessie by her father. 14. the two hikers' heavy backpacks were dropped by the two hikers. 15. the roof of the house will be painted by the boys. 16. the fence was whitewashed by tom sawyer. 17. three beautiful dishes were given to her as a birthday present by her daughters.

Clime is  the  weather  in  some  location  averaged  over  some  long  period  of  time. a healthy cat's nose can vary between wet and dry several times over the course of a day.take my had and let's go there together. this towel seems to be mine. we have ordered a load of napkins to make sure all guests have enough of them most of this island is covered with forests. the word "plot" has a number of different meanings. that day was the happiest in my life. we watched the video and discussed it non-stop. this room is very spacious. it was the right time to make a decision. he gave me a call and we met in the park. they should have come earlier if they wanted to help me. during our meeting we dicussed all actions to be taken. my friends and i went for a walk and came back home in a couple of hours. i like the dress she wears. look at the picture on that wall! what kind of music do you prefer? this year a birthday pie was baked by her mom. that was a beautiful lady with golden hair.

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