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Поставить предложения в present perfect tense, употребив обстоятельство времени, данные в скобках! разобраться! заранее вам! образец: i am writing a letter. (already) i have already written a letter. 1) john spoke to me. (already) 2) he was reading a book. (already) 3) they will go home. (just) 4) i saw him. (just) образец: i was in novgorod last year. (never) i have never been to novgorod. 5) he is in london. (never) 6) they gave me the book. (never) 7) i saw this film. (never)] 8) she was in siberia. (never) образец: i lived in moscow in 1972. (since) i have lived in moscow since 1972. 9) i did not meet you in moscow in 1972. (since) 10) they did not speak english last year. (since) 11) i did not see her there in september. (since) 12) she did not read this book in her childhood. (since) образец: nick is trying to lean driving. (this year) nick has tried to lean driving this year. 13) your friends are writing a letter to you. (this week) 14) he is leaving for moscow. (this month) 15) i am learning grammar rules. (today) 16) they are funishing their work. (this year) большое за все ответы!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) john has already  spoken to me. 2) he has already read a book.  3) they have just  gone home. 4) i have just seen  him.  5) he has never been  to  london.  6) they have never  given me the book.  7) i have never seen  this film.  8) she has never been to  siberia.  9) i haven't met  you in moscow since  1972.  10) they  haven't spoken english since  last year.  11) i haven't  seen her there since  september.  12) she hasn't read this book since her childhood.  13) your friends have written  a letter to you  this week. 14) he has left  for moscow  this month. 15) i have learnt grammar rules  today. 16) they have finished  their work  this year.

Historians _are  still debating when the first computer virus really appeared. we know a few things for certain, however: the first computer, which _was__ generally considered to have been invented by charles babbadge, did  not have any viruses. the first computer virus was a program called “elk cloner”. it was created by rich skrenta, a computer programmer who studied    at high school at the time. this virus in 1982. “elk cloner” attached itself to the apple dos 3.3 operating system and later spred by a floppy disk. when the virus was  created, it __was_internationally made as a joke by a high school student, who _input the virus into a game in which the virus   set off after the 50th time of using the game. when the virus set off, a blank screen appeared and  displayed a poem about the virus. the computer then became infected.   - не везде уверена. простите, если что не так!

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