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Перевести предложение на язык, прошубез какого-либо переводчика из интернета) великобритания- частопосещаемая страна с богатой и культурой. лондон был основан древними римлянами в 43 году нашей эры и носил название лондиниум. в течение 500 лет нормандцы были владельцами великобритании. они приложили много сил, чтобы сделать лондон красивым. росла торговля и население и вскоре город стал оживленным и красивым. через некоторое время лондон перенес ужасные трагедии, которые коснулись многих жителей. в лондоне есть много достопримечательностей, одни из которых это биг бен, трафальгарская площадь и многое другое.

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Ответы на вопрос:

  britain-a   frequently visited  country with a rich history and culture.london was founded by the romans in 43 year and was called londinium.for 500 years the normans were the owners of the uk.they put a lot of effort to make beautiful london.growing trade and population, and soon the city became lively and beautiful.after a while, london suffered terrible tragedies that have touched many people.in london, there are many attractions, one of which is the big ben, trafalgar square and many

1. If my parents stay at home at weekends, I have to help with housework.

2. If my mother is at home, I do the washing up or hoovering.

3. If she isn't at home, I wash the car or work in the garden with my dad.

4. If they are at home on weekdays, I do my homework first and then go out.

5. If my father doesn't work in the evening, we play games on his computer.

And what do you and your sister do if your parents are not at home?

1. We don't do the housework if they leave the house.

2. I just lie in bed if there is nothing to watch on TV.

3.Or I chat with my friends on Skype if they feel like chatting.

4. My little sister usually plays with her best friend if she comes to our place.

5. But she doesn't know what to do if her friend can't come.

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