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Нужно вставить слова 1. заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу глаголами, поставив, где нужно, to. accept fix show attend learn forget wait use buy spill 1) the teacher wanted the pupils the rule. 2) the woman expected her daughter english classes. 3) my mother didn’t want me the milk. 4) i’d like to you some photos of mine. 5) a little boy wanted his father him a toy. 6) my elder sister made me my ex-boyfriend. 7) my parents persuaded me their offer. 8) ann wanted me for her after school. 9) let him your car. 10) his wife wanted him the shelf in the kitchen.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) the teacher wanted the pupils to learn the rule.2) the woman expected her daughter to attend english classes.3) my mother didn’t want me to spill the milk.4) i’d like to show you some photos of mine.5) a little boy wanted his father to buy him a toy.6) my elder sister made me forget my ex-boyfriend.7) my parents persuaded me accept their offer.8) ann wanted me wait for her after school.9) let him use your car.10) his wife wanted him to fix the shelf in the kitchen.

Ettttttooooooo eeeeeaaaassssyyyyy

Популярно: Английский язык