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Проверьте грамматику, позязя nowadays, the discipline in the school becomes more strict. for example, students have to wear a school uniform. тhere are cameras in classes. in our school set turnstiles that children would not be late. so, is the discipline necessary? on the one hand, the discipline forms organization of the pupils. i think, it will help with our future life. secondly, all children have not good behavior at school. also in classes are very noisy. teachers can't explain new material, and pupils can't perceive it. students at lessons use mobile phones and write off. in the third, the discipline provides silence in classes. except that, it promotes attentiveness and organization of pupils. on the other hand, at some schools discipline too strict. because of it, children don't love school. they don't want to go to it. besides that lessons become very boring. pupils have no incentive to an initiative. the discipline means special rules and restrictions. they don't give to children the chance of self-expression. active students very progressive, the discipline strongly limits them. i think that discipline has its plusses and minuses. but it is for the benefit of students. discipline helps students concentrate on their studies. but it must not be too strict.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  во второй строчке school uniform пишется без "а" т.к. "а" означает один неконкретный предмет, униформ у них много. 2. второй абзац 3 строка: in classes кто  are very noisy 3. третий абзац 1 строка: at some schools the discipline is too strict. 4. последний абзац: active students are very progressive 5. discipline helps students to concerate больше оштбок вроде нету, а содержание мне понравилось

1. losed, 2. gave, 3. didn't told 4. didn't heared, 5. was, 6. sleept


Past Simple : (i, he, she, it, we, they, you) +глагол в правильной форме + окончание -ed -, неправильный глагол во 2 форме глагола (это надо запомнить ), Во педложение начинается с -Did -, дальше (she, he, it, i, we, you, they) и глагол в нужной форме, отрицательное : (he, she, it, i, we, you, thet) + did not = didn't(сокращёнаая форма ( можно и так, и так)) и глагол в нужной форме

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