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Перевести на 1) если ты придешь сегодня домой позднее, тебе придется ужинать одному. 2) вы написали контрольную работу хуже всех. 3) вы должны работать над языком, если вы хотите лучше говорить по-. 4) там не будет так много народа. 5) завтра мы встанем раньше, чтобы приехать к вам вовремя. 6) меня спросили, какой из московских театров мне больше всего понравился.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) if you come home today later, you will have to dine alone.

2) you have written the test worse than all.

3) you have to work on the language, if you want to speak better english.

4) there will be so many people.

5) tomorrow we'll get up early to come to you in time.

6) i was asked which of the moscow theatres most of all i liked.

My watch was broken by him. 2. the rule was explained to the students by the teacher. 3. i am often asked by him to help them. 4. written exercises are usually done in class. 5. tennis is played all year round. 6. i am offered several jobs by the manager. 7. he was regularly sent by his parents parcels with fruit from their garden. 8. columbus was offered three ships by the spanish government. 9. their children are usually sent to camp for summer. 10. he was charged with a very important mission.

Популярно: Английский язык