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Выпишите из текста прилагательные и переведите) jane has to work overtime at the office today. she gets home late and she is hungry. when she opens the refrigerator she is very upset. there is nothing to eat for dinner. jane sits down and writes a shopping list. she needs a head of lettuce, bananas, a quart of milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, a pound of butter and a loaf of bread. jane rushes out of the house and drives to the supermarket. when she gets there she is disappointed. there aren’t any bananas. there isn’t any milk. there aren’t any eggs. there aren’t any tomatoes. there isn’t any butter and there isn’t any bread. jane is tired and upset. in fact, she is so tired and upset that she loses her appetite, drives home, doesn’t have dinner and goes to bed.

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Ответы на вопрос:

disappointed - разочарованная

tired - уставшая

upset -   растроенная

hungry - голодная 




что-то я больше не нашла

1.            andrew was wondering if denis had a good holiday. 2.            denis said that his holiday was good and that he had been in turkey. 3.            andrew asked what it had been like. 4.            denis said that most of all he had enjoyed swimming in the sea sunbathing on the beach. 5.            andrew asked if denis stayed in a hotel. 6.            denis replied that he had stayed there but it hadn’t been a big one. he added that it had been a third - rade hotel. 7.            andrew was wondering if denis had gone to any interesting places. 8.            denis said that he had gone to one or two. he added that he had visited tha basin of cleopatra and had seen the cave of love. 9.            andrew asked how the weather was. 10.    denis replied that it had been changeable. he added that it had been sunny and rainy. he said that in his opinion the trip had been pretty good.

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