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1.do yoy think a man can have one or more true (faitful) friend? what about you? 2.what do you have in common with your friends? 3.how dou your differs from ypur friends? 4.do you think your friends will come to your help when you are in trouble? can you give an example?

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1. i think yes, all peoples can have a few true friends. for me, i have two best friends. they always support me and we have fun all our free time together. 2.  we all like to have a good time spending our time to watch films. also we have common music tastes.3. we have a different  preferences in sports. for example, i like football, but my friends like hockey  4. yes, i do. my friends will come to me when i'm in trouble. and me too, of course. fortunately, i've never be in serious trouble and i   haven't needed help. but i'm sure that my friends alwys be with me

1.do yoy думаю, что мужчина может иметь один или более верно (faitful) друг? а что насчет вас? 2.что общего у вас с вашими друзьями? 3.как dou ваш отличается от ypur друзей? 4.вы думаете, что ваши друзья придут к вам на , когда вы в беде? можете пример?

Would you like to come to the conference im afraid of going out alone when you see the secretary remember to give her my regards wont u mr smith went out without saying a word

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