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Переведите, , на язык! летом я был на даче. бабушке с огородом. потом я поступил в новую школу. это было для меня важным событием. здесь я завел новых друзей. я переживал,что буду плохо учиться,но я справился. и я этим горжусь!

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Ответы на вопрос:

In the summer i was at the cottage. helped her grandmother with a garden. then i went to a new school. it was important to me event. here, i made new friends. i was worried that i would do poorly in school, but i did it. and i'm proud of it!

In the summer i was at the cottage. helped her grandmother with a garden. then i went to a new school. it was important to me event. here, i made new friends. i was worried that i would do poorly in school, but i did it. and i'm proud of it!

It's half past seven, quarter past eight, twenty to eleven, ten past three, five o'clock

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