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А1. he had revised the same things again and again, he wasn’t at all sure how … he would be. a) success b) successfull c) successful d) succeed а2. it had been his decision to take this …, programming course. a) optional b) option c) optic d) optical а3. he wanted to get a good mark as he had hopes of becoming a software … . a) designist b) designer c) design d) designing а4. the exam was particularly … as he knew his future career might be at stake. a) frightened b) frightening c) frighten d) frightlfull а5. he gave a little gasp of … . a) unbelief b) misbelieve c) disbelief d) believable а6. one winter evening lena and her brother harry … video games while their mum and dad were watching tv. a) was playing b) played c) had played d) were playing а7. the sky … by flashes of lightning and the thunder was deafening. a) lit up b) was lit up c) lighted up d) was lighted up

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Ответы на вопрос:

А1. he had revised the same things again and again, he wasn’t at all sure how … he would be. c) successful а2. it had been his decision to take this …, programming course. a) optional а3. he wanted to get a good mark as he had hopes of becoming a software … .b) designer а4. the exam was particularly … as he knew his future career might be at stake. b) frightening а5. he gave a little gasp of … .c) disbelief а6. one winter evening lena and her brother harry … video games while their mum and dad were watching tv. d) were playing а7. the sky … by flashes of lightning and the thunder was deafening. b) was lit up

ann: йес, ай ду. ит ис грэйт. вот из зэт энимал овэр зэр?

ben: вич ван? вот дас ит лук лайк?

ann: ит хэс а лонг нэк энд лонг лэгс.

ben: зэт ис э джираф. зэй ар соу бьютефул.

ann: йес, зэй ар. лук, вот ис зэт он зэ три?

ben: ит ис э манки.

ann: ах! ай донт лайк манкис.

ben: вай нот?

ann: зэй ар нойзи.

ben: ай фаинд зэм кат . энивэй,   лэт из гоу энд си зе бэас.

ann: окей

изучаю много лет, поэтому исправила некие малозаметные ошибки)

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