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Оч. нужно.10 предложений в past simple

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№примеры предложенийперевод на язык1он сделал это хорошоhe did it very well2я спал два часаi slept for two hours3я поехал в италию в прошлом месяцеi went to italy last month4мы играли в футболwe played football5ты сделал правильную вещьyou did the right thing6мы были на каникулахwe were on holiday7она была действительно рассерженаshe was really angry8мальчики остались домthe boys stayed at home9я  пошел в кино вчера вечеромi went to the cinema yesterday evening10мы позавтракали час назадwe had breakfast an hour ago

Once I had a really interesting day. I was in Saint Petersburg and my parents decided to go to the Hermitage. I never really liked museums and art before so I wasn't very glad. But as soon as I saw all these red carpets and endless stairs I was amazed by the beauty of that place. I couldn't wait to see all these paintings and sculptures. I was totally in love with all works of art. I even saw a Picasso paintings althought. Also in Hermitage were a lot of foreigners. That was very interesting to hear different languages in real life. I even saw french and british people and that was awesome! I was really upset when it was time to go home. I really hope that I'll visit a Hermitage one more time.


Популярно: Английский язык