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Пять предложений на языке про разных животных

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the are many different kinds of snakes. 2. bears like to eat honey 3. the smallest dog have the size of your hand. 4. camels can stay without water for a long time 5.cats are very famouse in  egypt

Wild lions are dangerous for humans cats are really cute dogs are best friends for people tigers are very beautiful turtles are moving too slow

-Hello, sister!

How are you doing?

May I ask what you want for the New year?

- Hey! Very good!

how are you?"

Oh, I don't know...

who gives you presents?

And what do you usually get?

- This year, my mother promised me a very beautiful dress.

- Really? So jealous...

"Do you want a dress for a present,too?

-A friend gave it to me last year.

-Wow, that's great.

-Where do you buy gifts?

-I usually order.

-And let's give each other gifts this year too?!

-I don't mind!

Okay, see you then!

- See you later!

Популярно: Английский язык