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Перевести на . у него такое же красивое имя,как и у меня. когда ты приехал? я приехал на прошлой неделе. почему ты не посетил сегодня школу? моя мама самая красивая на свете. мы недавно построили этот дом. эти дети не послушные,они уже выпили весь сок.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He has the same beautiful name like me. when did you  arrive? i arrives on the last week. why didn`t you visit school today? my mother it the most  beautiful in the world. we built this house  recently. these children are very naughty, they've drank all the juice.

He has the same beautiful name, like me.when did you arrive? i arrived last week.why have not you visited the school? my mother is the most beautiful in the world.we recently built this house. these children are not obedient, they've drank all the juice.

Mike, what’s your favourite mad ….. ?

- Oh, I am … about football.

- Why do you like playing football?

- I find it …exciting and thrilling. Besides, it is after-school activity;… from school subjects.

- How often do you play it?

- Almost every evening… …. And where do you prefer … your free time?

- Oh, I prefer to spend my free time …at home … listening to music.

- I think, it is quite ... relaxing.

mad; exciting; after-school activity; relaxing; at home; every evening; to spend; change

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