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Fill in the blanks with responses using so or neither. kate: i like roses. mike: i) so do i.i have never seen a blue horse. kate: 2) . yesterday i read the magazine «my garden». mike: 3) i couldn't find the information about tulips. kate: i am going to the library on saturday. mike: 5) i was in our school library yesterday. kate: 6) i must prepare a report. mike: 7) i will watch tv first. kate: 8) . what programme do you prefer? i don't like talk shows. mike: . let's see «mr and mrs smith». my brother liked it. kate: 10) i saw it last week.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Kate: i like roses. mike: i) so do i. i have never seen a blue horse. kate: 2) neither have i. yesterday i read the magazine «my garden». mike: 3) so did i. i couldn't find the information about tulips. kate: 4) neither could i.  i am going to the library on saturday. mike: 5) so am i. i was in our school library yesterday. kate: 6) so was i. i must prepare a report. mike: 7) so must i. i will watch tv first. kate: 8) so will i. what programme do you prefer? i don't like talk shows. mike: 9) neither do i. let's see «mr and mrs smith». my brother liked it. kate: 10) so did i. i saw it last week.

Write the number of syllables and underline the stress in each word: ударная гласная выделена в каждом слове. указано количество слогов.(в слове kangaroo первый слог  также   имеет второстепенное ударение )  animal -  3  syllables  university -  5  syllables  kangaroo - 3  syllables  penguin- 2  syllables  mosquito - 3  syllables

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