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Перевести на . 1)петр спросил меня, сколько я заплатил за новый телевизор, и сказал, что мне повезло, потому что это один из лучших телевизоров. 2) он говорит, что эта комната удобнее той. мне кажется, это одна из лучших комнат в этой гостинице. 3) здесь довольно холодно. я не знаю, сможем ли мы здесь работать. узнайте, , могут ли они дать нам другую комнату. 4)у нее сейчас довольно интересная работа. я думаю, она интереснее той, которая была у него в прошлом году, и ей не приходится рано вставать.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) peter asked me how much money i payed for new tvset and said that i was lucky because this tvset is the best one.

2) he said that it room more comfortable than that. in my opinion it is one of the best rooms at this hotel.

3) here cold enough. i don't know were we able to workhere. find out, please, can they give us another room.

4) he has a pretty interesting job now. i think, it more interesting than which he has last year, and she mustn't to get up early.

1) peter asked me how much i paid for a new tv, and said that i was lucky, because it's one of the best tv.

2) he says that this room is that it is more convenient. i think this is one of the best rooms in the hotel.

3) this is pretty cool. i do not know if we can work here. read, please, can they give us another room.

4) it is quite interesting work. i think it is more interesting to the one he had in the past year, and she did not have to get up early.

1. there was no power, that’s why we lit a candle.

2. she had a lot of work to do and decided to hire a nurse for her baby.

3. when you sleep in a tent, you need a sleeping bag.

4. who makes earthenware? potter

5. a schoolchild draws lines with the help of a ruler.

6. a doctor who cures your teeth. dentist

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