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Переведите переведите переведите ольга! как ты? я хорошо. в пятницу мы идем в поход на озеро . с собой нужно взять : одеяло, посуду, еду, бутылку с водой и еще что тебе не обходимо на два дня.если у тебя есть игры на много человек то возьми с собой. мы собираемся около школы в десять часов.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi, olga! how are you? i'm good. we are going to hike to the lake this friday. we need blankets, dishes, food, some bottles of water and other essentials. if you have games which could be played in a big company of people then take them with you. we meet near the school at 10 am.

Hi olga! how you been? i am good. on friday we are going to hike to the lake .with a need to take blankets, dishes, food, water bottle and even that is not necessary to you for two days. if you have a lot of games for people you take with you. we're going around the school at ten o'clock

  1 faster - slower

  2 safer - more dangerous

  3 bigger - smaller

  4 cheaper - richer

  5 cleaner - dirtier

  6 more boring - funnier

  7 more difficult - easier

  8 colder - hotter

  9 further - nearer

  10 better - worse


2. my car isn’t very new. your car is newer than my car.

  3. ann’s house isn’t very modern. your house is more modern than ann’s.

  4. bob’s garden isn’t very big. your garden is much bigger than bob’s.

  5. yesterday wasn’t very hot. today is much hotter than yesterday.

  6. sue’s homework wasn’t very good. your homework is better than sue’s.

  7. your car isn’t very dirty. my car is dirtier than yours.

  8. this exercise isn’t very difficult. the next exercise is much more difficult this one!

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