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Read jenny`s plans for saturday. it is sunday today. tell what she did yesterday. 8: 00- help mum to cook breakfast 10: 00- wash dishes 12: 00- clean my room 3: 00 - play with my sister 5: 00 - watch 'tom & jerry' cartoon 6: 00 - visit uncle george

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At 8: 00 she helped mum to cook breakfast. at 10: 00 she washed dishes. at 12: 00 she cleaned her room. at 3: 00 she played with her sister. at 5: 00 she watched "tom & jerry" cartoon. at 6: 00 she visited uncle george.

31) he stopped _singing__ and answered the phone.

32) you are not _old enough_ to apply for this job.

33) put down my phone number in case you __have__ any questions.

34) i was really surprised when i came _across_ my old diary.

35) __although__ it was a real challenge, we did it.

36) has he ever __been__ to london?

37) will you pay by credit card or in _cash_?

38) never _mind_ , i’ll manage.

39) in the future people will be __able__ to speak any language fluently.

40) i’ve got a job _offer_ from their company.

41) if i had spoken to him, i _wouldn't have made_ that mistake.

42) __according__ to the survey, people prefer staying at home when it rains.

43) this job is not as well-paid __as__ that one.

44) i don’t like tennis. it’s not my cup of _tea_ .

45) if you want to join, please fill _in_ an application form.

46) hold _on_ for a minute, mr black is on the other line.

47) although she lives so far now, we still keep in _touch_ .

48) i wish i __could__ play the trumpet but i can’t.

49) if you don’t complete a report tonight, we won’t _meet_ the deadline.

50) by and_ large_ he is a calm person but that time he lost his temper.

51) “bob was jailed again! ” “he’s got very respectable parents. indeed, every family has a black __sheep__ ”.

52) i haven’t seen my uncle bob __since__ i was a child.

53) i _used_ to do yoga in the morning, but i have no time for it now.

54) unless you buy a new torch, the old one can also come in _use /handy_ .

55) we __ran__ out of petrol and got stuck on the highway at the middle of the night.

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