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Задайте 4 вопроса к этому тексту на языке(желательно с переводом). when there was a football game in italy one day the fans were very angry with the referee. they shoutrd that he was a bad referee so loud that he decided to drive all the fans out. so the game continues but there was nobody to see it.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Why did the referee decide to drive all the fans out? (почему рефери решил "удалить" фанов с площадки? ) who got angry during the game? (кто разозлился во время игры? ) where did the story start? (где началась ? ) who watched the game ? (кто смотрел игру? )

I used to drink a lot of milk when I was a child

I used to eat a lot of apples when I was a child

I used to go for a walk in the park every day when I was a child

I used to cry a lot when I was a child

I used to swim in the lake every summer when I was a child

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