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He is older then me but we are true friends. перевести

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Ответы на вопрос:

Він старший за мене, але ми справжні друзі .

Он старше меня, но мы настоящие друзья

Last night i dreamed. it was a  prophetic dream about my elder sister's wedding.  i was at her 1st wedding and she was looking so fantastic! at this wedding we had  lots of fan: we ate, drank. danced. sang .songs and what not!   when i woke up i told my sister about it. there also was very great song "welcome to the black parade" by mcr because my sister is a big fan of this group.  she was happy. after 2 months she get married with tom. and dreams do come true, i just have to beleive. 

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